Posted 07/21/2024


News On Our Match:
Many thanks to so many generous supporters. We are doing it! In the last nine days, donors have matched more than half of the $25k we were offered. Looks like we will be able to fund our projects.

Coco Palms Appeal:
For those who may want to follow FOM’s appeal of the County’s Denial of FOM’s Petition to Revoke the Coco Palms development permits for failure to comply with or meet most of the conditions of development required as of December 31, 2018, you can access the Appellate filings by clicking on the following link. Not only are all of the building permits (most issued in 2016, some in 2017) lapsed and void, well beyond the one year from date of issue, but the current developer has done little or nothing to apply for new permits, assuming the County is willing to save them the expense required by Ordinance for all who build on Kauai. They are counting on the County to let them use outdated/expired permits. We remain confident that our appeal will ultimately be successful although we know it will take time and effort by our legal team.

Coco Palms Appellate Pleadings

Appellate Pleadings from RP21 and Coco Palms Hui, LLC have not yet been filed. We will add them to this link once they are filed.

Ballots Have Been Mailed:
More than half of the registered voters on Kauai are women. We only have one woman on the County Council. Not exactly a fair representation of our voters. Please be sure to mark your ballots as soon as possible and consider supporting women like Fern Holland, who had a great article published recently in Civil Beat. Her article was especially timely. Council Member Felicia Cowden has also stressed the need for land owners, especially the former sugar lands, to control the wild grasses increasing the fire hazard on Kauai. Candidate Jeff Lindner is advocating for work force housing. His Civil Beat article discussed the shortage of urban land available for development and offered that Ag lands are being under utilized growing wild grasses/fire fuel when much of that land could be cleared for our much needed workforce and affordable housing.

Fern Holland on Invasive Species & Fire Fuel

Fires Are Plaguing Kauai:
No sooner had the County and many supportive organizations including major support from the land owner controlled the fire that raged between Hanapepe and Kaumakani this past Monday July 15, 2024, only to have another large fire erupt on the east side in Kapahi Tuesday July 16, 2024. Our Fire Departments have been coordinating with rescue teams and helicopters dropping buckets of ocean water on the flames, doing an excellent job for the safety of our residents. When the fire was contained in Kapahi and Kapaa, there was little rest as fires erupted next in Kokee. Once again it was the grasses that had been allowed to grow unchecked on former sugar cane land. See the following link with some compelling photos documenting the fire that soared last night in the ridge line not far from Kekaha. These photos were taken and shared courtesy of Carroll Cox of EnviroWatch, visiting from Oahu.

Kokee Fire 07/19/2024

Don’t hesitate to share this and all of our emails with friends and family. Thanks to Kauai residents Charlotte Beale, Richard Diamond and others who help us get our message out. Please complete your ballot and mail it is as soon as possible. No postage required. We are able to cast seven votes for County Council. You can, however, strengthen your vote by voting for less than seven and casting your vote only for those who you strongly support. By selecting your only your favorite candidates, you increase their chance of making it through the primary.

Mahalo nui,

Bridget Hammerquist, President
Friends of Maha`ulepu, a 501(c)(3)
Kia`i Wai o Wai`ale`ale, Co-founder
PO Box 1654
Koloa, HI 96756
[email protected]
(808) 742-1037 home
(808) 346-1973 cell

Posted 07/12/2024
Aloha All,

FOM Supporters Respond

On July 7, 2024, we shared our need for your help. Mahalo to all who have responded with generous donations. On July 10, 2024, we were excited to receive a very generous offer. One of our members has offered a $25,000 match for donations made to FOM between July 7, 2024 and August 30, 2024. Receipt of these funds will go a long way to support FOM’s work. As you probably gathered from our prior newsletter describing our pending projects/cases, seventy five percent plus of the funds we receive cover legal fees and costs as we challenge under regulated development along our coastlines and elsewhere that threaten water quality, water quantity and the health of our ocean which, until now, has made us a very popular visitor destination. Help us meet our match. Any questions don’t hesitate to email or call. Please feel free to share this email with family, friends and people who care about our beautiful island.


Despite severe infrastructure shortcomings in our roads, our wastewater treatment plants with uncontrolled odor and ocean spills, water shortages from deferred maintenance, inadequate storage and under developed plumbing/delivery capability not to mention a critical housing shortage for our workforce, our county planning department is determined to build and support commercial development. One of its latest targets is the east side of Kauai (Wailua and Kapaa) already our most heavily populated area. Read the county’s plan for expansion and development below and feel free to attend the open house to learn more.

NR 07-09-24 (Planning Department launches East Kaua‘i Community and Circulation Plan Project, public invited to open house on July 25)

Read More News!


Humpback whales are often seen breaching off the shores of Maha’ulepu during the winter months.

Friends of Maha’ulepu is comprised of a group of concerned citizens (local and beyond) who are contributing their time and talents to protect the natural beauty of this pristine coastal valley.

Maha’ulepu Beach is located on the South Shore of the Island of Kaua’i in the Hawaiian Islands, approximately 3 1/2 miles northeast of the town of Poi’pu.  Poi’pu is one of the major visitor destinations on the island due to it’s beautiful beaches, swimming, snorkeling and surfing, sea turtles, whales, monk seals, trade winds, palm trees, and spectacular sunsets. Learn more about Friends of Maha’ulepu and the work we are doing!

Maui wildfires timeline of failed communications