Friends of Maha’ulepu             9/30/2024
Department of the Navy
Commander United States Pacific Fleet
Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands
Kauai, Hawaii

Comment – Expansion of Pacific Missile Range Facility Land-Based Training and Testing Activities on Kauai – Draft Environmental Assessment August 2024


Geographically and biologically, Kaʻula could be considered to be part of the Northwest Hawaiian Islands. However, it is the westernmost of the Main Hawaiian Islands and is not included in the Northwestern Hawaiian Island section – it is part of Kauaʻi County. It is Hawaiʻi’s second largest offshore islet (after Lehua,) making it the tenth largest island in the Main Hawaiian Island chain.

Kaʻula Island is around 20 miles west of Niʻihau. Kaʻula Island is designated as a state seabird sanctuary, providing a nesting ground for migratory birds. Hawaiian monk seals, sea turtles, and humpback whales can also be spotted along the shoreline.

Aloha All,

Happy Holidays. Greetings from the FOM Board of Directors. We are pleased to share that we have had another success that may lead to a really large success. When Governor Josh Green was elected, one of his largest campaign contributors was Pacific Resource Partnership (PRP), an organization that represents the Hawaii Regional Council of Carpenters and more than 240 of Hawaii’s top contractors. Shortly after his election, he began work on an Emergency Proclamation to fast track the construction of homes in Hawaii. The proclamation was packaged as something that would more rapidly and effectively address the housing shortage for Hawaii’s residents. When we read the Proclamation, however, there were no controls over the value or sale price of the housing and condos that would be rapidly permitted, by the Governor’s Order which gave developers an exemption from the normal permit application process. FOM challenged the Proclamation on behalf of our members because we understood that absent some curtailment on the price point, the developers would build luxury homes and condos, further compounding the housing shortage for the workforce and average local residents. We challenged the order on the grounds that the housing shortage had been developing in this state for the past 30 years because our public officials have not effectively limited luxury development and required the construction of much needed affordable housing for the workforce. Hawaii is a very beautiful place. Kauai the Garden Island is right now suffering from the siege of developers with the effort to construct a new 350 room luxury resort at the site of the former Coco Palms. On the south shore, developer Gary Pinkston and his company Meridian Pacific have nearly 400 units, all luxury, planned with construction underway. FOM’s challenge to the Proclamation was dismissed by the lower court who found against our strong belief that affected residents have the right to challenge such Proclamations. We appealed to the Interim Court of Appeals and then filed a Brief with the Hawaii State Supreme Court asking the Court to interrupt the normal appellant process because the issue was of significant public interest. If we had had to wait for the Interim Court of Appeal to decide the issue, that would have taken another two years. The high court agreed with our Petition to transfer the matter, thereby cutting short the appellant process as we are now right before the Supreme Court of the State of Hawaii. All five justices unanimously signed the Order transferring the matter to their docket. Our legal team needs to be congratulated and hopefully we will defeat the Emergency Proclamation which is nothing more that a veiled attempt to encourage large scale development of visitor industry accommodations.



Humpback whales are often seen breaching off the shores of Maha’ulepu during the winter months.

Friends of Maha’ulepu is comprised of a group of concerned citizens (local and beyond) who are contributing their time and talents to protect the natural beauty of this pristine coastal valley.

Maha’ulepu Beach is located on the South Shore of the Island of Kaua’i in the Hawaiian Islands, approximately 3 1/2 miles northeast of the town of Poi’pu.  Poi’pu is one of the major visitor destinations on the island due to it’s beautiful beaches, swimming, snorkeling and surfing, sea turtles, whales, monk seals, trade winds, palm trees, and spectacular sunsets. Learn more about Friends of Maha’ulepu and the work we are doing!

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