Friends of Maha’ulepu Public Service Announcements

August 16, 2016

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August 16, 2016

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July 28, 2016

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Listen to FOM’s public service announcement with one of our members who actually suffered from an infection acquired in the ocean waters off the Waiopili.

The Carroll Cox Show – KWAI 1080 AM

January 22, 2016

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Bridget Hammerquist of Friends of Maha’ulepu, brings everyone up to date with new developments regarding our opposition to the proposed industrial dairy farm on Kauai.  The proposed farm will be built 6/10 of a mile up slope from the ocean.  There are two large drinking water wells next to the property, and a big hotel on the beach.  Because of runoff into ditches and streams, and the high water table in the area, Friends of Maha’ulepu is particularly concerned about the potential pollution of the ocean and drinking wells, particularly after big storms.

December 4, 2016

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Carroll and guests discuss this week’s court ruling regarding the proposed dairy farm being built at Maha’ulepu, upland from the Poipu coast, on the Island of Kauai.  Friends of Maha’ulepu are suing to prevent  Hawaii Dairy Farms from continuing their current activities on the land, and eventually bringing in a large herd of dairy cows.  Bridget Hammerquist, President of Friends of Maha’ulepu, and Charles Tebbutt, Attorney for Friends of Maha’ulepu, discuss the results of the court ruling and the issues they are facing.

April 3, 2016

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Carroll speaks with  Bridget Hammerquist with an upate on Friends of Maha’ulepu activity.

January 31, 2016

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Carroll, with guests Bridget Hammerquist and Charlie Tebbutt, talk about bills being introduced giving “rights” to farmers, specifying counties cannot enact laws or ordinances to restrict common agriculture practices. The bills are causing serious concerns by local citizens who also have rights to clean air, clean water, and a clean environment.

May 17, 2015

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Carroll’s guests are Bridget Hammerquist, Katherine Muzic, Ph.D., and Jay Kechloian of Friends of Maha’ulepu. They bring us up to date on the proposed Kauai dairy farm issue. After some grubbing and grading of the property in preparation for the dairy farm, bacteria and nitrate levels in the nearby stream rose significantly. That stream flows directly into the ocean, potentially damaging coral as well as presenting a problem to ocean users. People are concerned that placing over 600 cows on property up slope of the beach will have a significant impact on the area. After The Surfrider Foundation tested the stream they reported finding high levels of bacteria. Friends of Maha’ulepu then asked the Hawaii State Health Department Clean Water Branch (DOH) to test the stream and post warning signs. After about a year, DOH finally conducted a test and found high levels of bacteria, as reported by The Surfrider Foundation, but still has not posted signs. The state claims they did not want to favor the hotel that was initiating a lawsuit. DOH blamed the pollution on human fecal matter, saying people were using an old guardshack near the stream as a bathroom. However, there was no evidence in the guard shack to back up that claim. Now DOH is attributing the problem to pigs, ducks and other wildlife. The Friends of Maha’ulepu are hoping, with a change of administration at DOH, warning signs will finally be posted at the stream as they requested. So, not only is the proposed dairy a problem, there is currently a problem that needs a solution. If the dairy farm is approved the problem may become a lot worse for the entire area, including drinking wells, the ocean, and the coral reef. It may become impossible to fix.

March 8, 2015

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Carroll talks with Bridget Hammerquist, Jay Kechloian, and other members of Friends of Maha’ulepu. They tell us more about the area, and bring us up to date with the organization’s opposition to a proposed industrial dairy farm on Kauai. The 2,000 cow factory dairy is proposed for a pristine valley of Kauai containing a beautiful beach, a stream running directly into the ocean, a major archaeological site, and other places of historical interest near Poipu, Kauai. Not only that, the beach and the valley are part of a major tourist area. Runoff from waste generated by 2,000 cows uphill from the beach would have a major, negative impact on the entire environment.

Friends of Maha’ulepu recently hired a lawyer with many years of experience working with organizations in opposition to large dairy farms in areas that cause irreparable harm to the environment. Dairy farms are needed, but not just anywhere. The challenge is on for Hawaii, but it is not cheap.

February 8, 2015

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The first hour Carroll brings back Bridget Hammerquist from Friends of Maha’ulepu to bring us up to date with the organization’s opposition to a proposed industrial dairy farm on Kauai. Bridget briefly gives us some background information about the proposed dairy farm and the reasons for their opposition, but listen to our shows of 12/14/14, and 11/30/14 for more information (see below), regarding the issues. Friends of Maha’ulepu has obtained the services of an environmental lawyer who successfully fought similar issues regarding an industrial dairy’s waste, pollution, and biting fly problems in the state of Washington. The lawyer is Charlie Tebbutt, and his website is

Bridget informs us there is a petition protesting the dairy. You can sign it, and make comments, at  The petition currently has over 3,000 signatures, and the group is in the process of setting up an appointment with Governor Ige to present the petition in person.  Also visit for information about an important archaeological site that will be affected by the dairy.

December 14, 2014

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Carroll, Dr. Carl Berg of Surfriders Foundation, Kauai Chapter, and Bridget Hammerquist of Friends of Maha’ulepu continue the discussion regarding opposition to the proposed 2,000-cow dairy farm on Kauai.  Bridget starts the discussion with a summary of highlights of local Kauai, including the beautiful beaches, the sinkhole, and the Makauwahi Cave Reserve that is giving us thousands of years of historical and cultural data about the area.

What will a herd of 600, and up to 2,000 cows do to the region? Just 600 cows will produce 3 million tons of manure a day. The thought is, the manure and other waste will recycle back into the pastureland. However, the land is hard clay, and the area gets a lot of rain. So, per Friends of Maha’ulepu, it will most likely wash downslope into the ditches, streams, and the ocean. Not enough has been done to study the situation, and proper permits have not been issued. The dairy will work if in a safe place, but the proposed area is not the right choice. New Zealand and Washington state are moving their dairy operations away from the ocean because the pollution is so bad.

November 30, 2014

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Bridget Hammerquist from Friends of Maha’ulepu is Carroll’s guest. Bridget discusses the proposed dairy farm in Maha’ulepu Valley on Kauai and HDF’s proposal to start with 700 pregnant cows and grow the herd to 2,000. Bridget explains that the proposal indicates waste from the cows will be recycled back as fertilizer for the Pastureland.  However, per Bridget, the amount of manure produced by that many cows will not recycle fast enough to stay on the farm and will eventually end up in the ocean. The environment cannot handle that much waste, and the resulting runoff will put a large amount of nitrates and ammonia into the nearby ocean. Bridget notes, the state is concerned about the remaining cesspools in Hawaii that produce a small amount of waste compared to what a huge herd of cows will produce. Why is that?

Hawaii Dairy Farms say they have an ideal plan for their dairy farm based on dairy farms in New Zealand. However, per Bridget, New Zealand recently found out they have huge water pollution problems, both drinking water and ocean water, due to the large amount of cows found there. Bridget also tells us Hawaii Dairy Farms does not have an NRCS Conservation Plan or the proper permits. They have not addressed the many concerns of the citizens of Kauai, and the state is slow to react.

The people are not opposed to farms and dairies, but they are concerned about the way this is being set up and managed. Listen as Bridget discusses the many issues the Hawaii Dairy Farms proposal raises.

A caller notes the nearby Hyatt is already losing business due to the dairy.

Carroll notes there needs to be a sound environmental approach to this project. Once again, the state needs to step up and do their job.


Kauai Community Radio (KKCR) concerning Hawaii Dairy Farm


Felicia Cowden Interview – April 5, 2016

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Potential Impact of Dairy – February 7, 2016

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“Sour Milk” the HDF Proposed Unsustainable Maha’ulepu Dairy Project, w/guest Bridget Hammerquist – April 17, 2014

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Kaua’i Kai and Wai – April 4, 2014

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