Waiopili Stream occurs at the terminus of the Mahaulepu Valley irrigation system, which was constructed to drain the former Kapunakea Pond and connects to the Mahaulepu Drainage. The stream also handles rainfall flow off the Haupu Mountain Range and carries irrigation water from Mahaulepu Valley and Waita Reservoir into the Mahaulepu sub-watershed area. Stream testing and results have consistently shown high levels of enterococcus. The Waiopili Stream runs though the entire length of the proposed industrial dairy site, where it ends upon entering the ocean.
Warning Signs Posted at Waiopili Stream
Department of Health has finally posted signs to warn the public of the serious bacterial pollution in the waters of the Waiopili at Maha’ulepu Beach. After two years of chronic exponentially high fecal bacteria levels, DOH failed to warn. With a mandate from the EPA and a further nudge from our very own Kauai Senator, Ron Kouchi, currently the President of the Hawaii State Senate. Read the letter he sent to DOH Director, Virginia Pressler, MD and Deputy Director, Keith Kawaoka, PhD.
Nutrient Testing
Analysis of the results was done by TestAmerica. Values exceed Dry Season standards set by HAR. The conclusion must be that the water coming from HDF is already highly polluted from current land practices and that water pouring into the ocean causes high pollution levels in front of Gillin’s house. This information has been provided to Hawaii Department of Health. Surfrider is continuing to do monthly nutrient sampling of the stream water and the well water at Gillin’s house. They will also do monthly bacteria testing at those locations and at the beach in front of Gillin’s. Mud has also been sampled in Waiopili stream and sent to a national USDA laboratory for testing for heavy metals and pesticide residues. These results have yet to be received.
Monthly Sample Results for Enterococcus by Surfrider
Results show enterococcus levels in the stream at Maha’ulepu are more than 2x all the other places combined! View Results
Multi-Year Results for Enterococcus by Surfrider
Results show geomean samples of enterococcus levels in the stream at Maha’ulepu are over 250 times greater than acceptable levels. View Results
Waiopili Ditch Sanitary Survey, Kauai – Part 1
This sanitary survey confirmed the presence of elevated levels of enterococci and Clostridium perfringens in the Waiopili Ditch in the Mahaulepu Valley sub-watershed. Physical site surveillance and literature review on the current and historic land use of the area failed to identify a defined source of human sewage contamination in the area that would justify the elevated levels of enterococci.